Owner & Lead Planner
Hi! I'm Lex, Founder, Owner, and Lead Planner at Ren & Co.! I have been working in the wedding and event industry since 2019. I received my wedding planning certification from The New York Institute of Art & Design, and I had so many ideas I wanted to bring to life, starting my own LLC made perfect sense for me! I work best in stressful and high-pressure environments, and I truly value a client becoming a friend!
Fun Facts: I am a Jersey girl at heart but currently reside in York County, Pennsylvania. We have 2 office spaces located in Hanover, PA and Hampstead, MD. In my spare time I enjoy traveling, consuming a few too many Starbucks Refreshers, and nose diving into true crime!
Planner & Logistic's Coordinator
Hi! I'm CJ, a planner and logistic's coordinator at Ren & Co.! You can find me handling transportation logistics, wrangling groomsmen, and doing most of the heavy lifting. However, the thing I am most well-known for is making sure there is always a drink in your hand! My favorite thing about working for Ren & Co. is having the privilege to make one day, a memory that will last forever.
Fun Facts: I am originally from Florida but spent a lot of my life growing up in Georgia. I am a retired Marine Veteran who loves to fish with a coke zero in my hand! You can often hear me bragging about my daughter and how amazing at tennis she is. Yes, I know she is 12 and yes, I know she is going to be a future Olympian, duh.
Paw-fice Manager
Woof! I'm Nash, the Paw-fice manager at Ren & Co. You can find me in the back of your zoom (not to be mistaken with zoomies) meetings trying to get attention. I assist with stress levels here at the office for both our employees and clients. If you're lucky, you may see me at your walkthrough!
Fun Facts: I am only a 7-month-old Newfoundland and will get to be about 150 pounds! I enjoy hiding my paw-ents shoes after a long wedding day and giving them lots of good job kisses. I am a fur-ever fan of including your animals on your special day!
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I've been obsessed with capturing images since I was a little girl. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur? Corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur.
Located in Carroll County, Maryland & Hanover, Pennsylvania
Serving All States & All Countries